Sunday, November 18, 2007

Blessed Times

Last Thursday evening, I went to a Sunday School ladies event at my friend Amanda's home. I was so glad to be able to go since it is rare that I get the opportunity. Most of the time, my plate is full with other commitments. I thought that I would go and have a good time, but little did I know how much I would be blessed. Another friend, Carol, was speaking about a verse that the Lord had her memorize from Acts 18:9 & 10. She went on to say that she realized after a while that the first part of that passage was meant for her. But, what she didn't know was that the last part was meant for me.

By Design was asked a few months ago to come and minister along side of Pat and Terry Powell with Street Wise Ministries down in Bowen Homes. Now, if you are not familiar with that area, it is one of the most violent project areas in metro Atlanta. After some emails earlier in the week regarding some shootings in the community, I was not feeling very safe about going down there. I mean, here I was a middle-aged white woman from the suburbs going into an area filled with guns and violence and gang activity on a daily basis. That's not what I would call a smart move unless you are taking a security detail with you. As Carol began quoting the verse that the Lord gave her a few weeks earlier, I knew that it was for me and tears started well up. The last part of what she quoted said, "do not be afraid for I have many people in this city. " Wow!!! Thank you Lord for that word!!!! It was if God Himself was sitting there in front of me saying, "Hey, I've got this, DeAnna. I am going before you. I am surrounding you on all sides. " And, you know what? He did!

Saturday, when we got to the community center where we were to minister, there was a hedge of protection already in place. Many people that I knew from Hebron and other churches were there to volunteer that day. Some were there as counselors, some as security detail, some were working with the children who had come with their moms. As I walked into the center, I felt no fear. My prayers and the prayers of others who were praying for my safety had been answered. What a sweet time of fellowship we had with the people there. The Lord was in the house that day!!! You could see Him in all four corners of the room. The smiles on the faces of the community members was such a blessing to see. They remembered By Design from the year before and were so excited to see us return. Once again, we received as big of a blessing as those we went to minister to. Girls, God is so good.

God continues to amaze me at how He shows Himself in ways that only He can. As Carol said on Thursday, when we simply say, "Lord use me" He will continually put opportunities in our paths to do just that. It is then up to us to be obedient or not. When faced with that challenge, what will your answer be?


Carol said...

Isn't it awesome when we see God at work? I'm going to link to this from my blog. Especially after I just posted about this same verse. I love you, girl!

ocean mommy said...

It was an incredible night! I'm glad you were there! It was one of those chill bump moments when you told Carol that verse was for you. So cool....
